Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What Is A Step Motor?

 A step motor (or stepper motor as they are commonly referred) is a digital device, in that digital information is processed to accomplish an end result, in this case, controlled motion. It is reasonable to assume that a step motor will faithfully follow digital instructions just as a computer is expected to. This is the distinguishing feature of a step motor.
Figure 1: One Pulse Equals One Step Figure 2: Pulse Counts Equals Step Counts
In essence, step motors are electrical motors that are driven by digital pulses rather than a continuously applied voltage. Inherent in this concept is open-loop control, wherein a train of pulses translates into so many shaft revolutions, with each revolution requiring a given number of pulses. Each pulse equals one rotary increment, or step (hence, step motors), which is only a portion of one complete rotation.
Therefore, counting pulses can be applied to achieve a desired amount of shaft rotation. The count automatically represents how much movement has been achieved, without the need for feedback information, as would be the case in servo systems.
Figure 3: One Full Step Equals Two Half Steps
Precision of step motor controlled motion is determined primarily by the number of steps per revolution; the more steps, the greater the precision. For even higher precision, some step motor drivers divide normal steps into half-steps or micro-steps. Accuracy of the step motor is a function of the mechanical precision of its parts and assembly. Whatever the error that may be built into a step motor, it is noncumulative. Consequently, it can be negligible.

02K-S523W, Shaft Type 5-Phase Stepping Motor

How Do They Work?
A step motor is an electromagnetic, rotary actuator, that mechanically converts digital pulse inputs to incremental shaft rotation. The rotation not only has a direct relation to the number of input pulses, but its speed is related to the frequency of the pulses.
Figure 4: Motor With Driver
Between steps, the motor holds its' position (and its' load) without the aid of clutches or brakes. Thus a step motor can be precisely controlled so that it rotates a certain number of steps, producing mechanical motion through a specific distance, and then holds its load when it stops. Furthermore, it can repeat the operation any prescribed number of times. Selecting a step motor and using it advantageously depends on three criteria: desired mechanical motion, speed, and the load.

A10K-S545W-G5, Geared Type Stepping Motor

With the appropriate logic, step motors can be bi-directional, synchronous, provide rapid acceleration, stopping, and reversal, and will interface easily with other digital mechanisms. They are further characterized as having low rotor moment of inertia, no drift, and a noncumulative positioning error.
Generally step motors are operated without feedback in an open-loop fashion and sometimes match the performance of more expensive DC Servo Systems. The only inaccuracy associated with a step motor is a noncumulative positioning error measured in % of step angle.

Basic Types: Variable Reluctance, Permanent Magnet, Hybrid
Variable Reluctance (VR) - VR motors are characterized as having a soft iron multiple rotor and a wound stator. They generally operate with step angles from 5 degrees to 15 degrees at relatively high step rates, and have no detent torque (detent torque is the holding torque when no current is flowing in the motor). In Figure 5, when phase A is energized, four rotor teeth line up with the four stator teeth of phase A by magnetic attraction. The next step is taken when A is turned off and phase B is energized, rotating the rotor clockwise 15 degrees; Continuing the sequence, C is turned on next and then A again. Counter clockwise rotation is achieved when the phase order is reversed.

Figure 5: Variable Reluctance Motor
Permanent Magnet (PM) - PM motors differ from VR's by having permanent magnet rotors with no teeth, and are magnetized perpendicular to the axis. In energizing the four phases in sequence, the rotor rotates as it is attracted to the magnetic poles. The motor shown in Figure 6 will take 90 degree steps as the windings are energized in sequence ABCD. PM's generally have step angles of 45 or 90 degrees and step at relatively low rates, but they exhibit high torque and good damping characteristics.

Figure 6: Permanent Magnet Motor
Hybrid - Combining the qualities of the VR and the PM, the hybrid motor has some of the desirable features of each. They have high detent torque and excellent holding and dynamic torque, and they can operate at high stepping speeds. Normally, they exhibit step angles of 0.9 to 5 degrees. Bi-filar windings are generally supplied (as depicted in Figure 7), so that a single-source power supply can be used . If the phases are energized one at a time, in the order indicated, the rotor would rotate in increments of 1.8 degrees. This motor can also be driven two phases at a time to yield more torque, or alternately one then two then one phase, to produce half steps or 0.9 degree increments.

Figure 7: Hybrid Motor 

AH16K-G569W, Hollow Shaft Type Stepping Motor

Where Are They Used?
Although the step motor has been overshadowed in the past by servo systems for motion control, it now is emerging as the preferred technology in more and more areas. The major factor in this trend is the prevalence of digital control, and the emergence of the microprocessor.
Today we have many step motor applications all around us. They are used in printers (paper feed, print wheel), disk drives, photo-typesetting, X-Y plotters, clocks and watches, factory automation, aircraft controls, and many other applications. Ingenuity and further advances in digital technology will continue to extend the list of applications.

A16K-G569-SB, Shaft + Brake Built-in Type Stepping Motor

How Are They Controlled?
Amount, speed, and direction of rotation of a step motor are determined by appropriate configurations of digital control devices. Major types of digital control devices are: Motor Drivers, Control Links, and Controllers. These devices are employed as shown in Figure 8. The Driver accepts clock pulses and direction signals and translates these signals into appropriate phase currents in the motor. The Indexer creates the clock pulses and direction signals. The computer or PLC (programmable logic controller) sends commands to the indexer.
Figure 8: Typical Step Motor System

A140K-M599-GB5, Geared + Brake Built-in Type Stepping Motor

How the Stepper motors are made and how they operate

Part 1

Part 2

A50K-M566-RB10, Rotary Actuator + Brake Built-in Type Stepping Motor



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